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Communication pond which includes purpose, living with change, making change visible and change in society


Communication is the world’s most efficient tool for change

Companies’ earnings logics, the need for transparency, constant dialogue, power, hierarchies, discussion culture and the volume of information are examples of things that have been disrupted by smartphones becoming a part of our everyday life. Some parts of the business world have followed the change into the 2020s, while the majority has not. A massive share of the change pressures that companies face originate from the outside, while obstacles to change are internal. The old theories of change leadership no longer apply in the age of the double disruption. Communication can no longer be a separate function; it is a necessity and a prerequisite for the company’s existence.

The company needs to recreate itself in a world of rapid real-time communication. It needs to create a sustainable purpose for its existence and an identity that matters. The purpose needs to be one that people genuinely want to commit to. The company also needs to be able to communicate its purpose in an open dialogue with its environment. The organisation must be able to use communication as a strategic tool, it must be a part of the organisation’s core activities. Communication must gather attention and speak to the company’s purpose. 

All of this also means that, in a transparent world of continuous dialogue, you cannot talk about something that is not true. Your actions and words need to be aligned. 

In the age of the double disruption and the information flood, those who understand that communication is the world’s most efficient tool for change will succeed. Communication is the world’s most efficient tool for change, regardless of whether the company wants to find its own purpose, verify this purpose internally, make it visible or enter into dialogue with society and the environment. During the pandemic, open and efficient communication is at the core of solving and managing the crisis.

Successful change is done through strategic communication

Ellun Kanat makes change visible: We serve as sparring partner for companies and organisations in communicating change successfully both internally and externally. We are the partner-in-change in every area of communications, from crisis communications to social media and PR and media work.

We create insightful concepts and campaigns that captivate attention and create conversation. We clarify the meaning of brand and communications core and direction. We coach our clients in planning and implementing communications from content creating to video production.

In need of a sparring partner in communications and marketing?